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Each year I choose a word that I want to focus on. I always do this before the start of a new homeschool year (I did this as a classroom teacher also). This year’s word: enough.

As in…

- I am doing enough as a parent

- We have enough activities on the calendar

- I have enough curriculum (haha - promise husband no more boxes)

- My best and their best is enough

- Not every day will be filled with experiments, hands-on activities and themes but we are still doing enough fun things

- My house is clean .. enough (I have piles, who doesn’t have piles?! And dog hair no matter how often I vacuum)

Enough doesn’t mean slacking, but what it does mean (for me this year) is that I don’t need to overdo and overextend to have an amazingly successful year with my children.

Not everything has to be perfect and quite frankly there is no way everything can be (choose the house, school work, work-work, etc.).

So as you begin to prep for a new school year remind yourself of this word and try to pace yourself. It’s a marathon not a sprint my friends. Something I have had to reteach myself on more than one occasion.

Hugs and hope for the new year,




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