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So you're working from home and have these kids...

My homeschool schedule is different because that is my job and was before all of this madness began. Even so, I still needed to adjust because all of our activities and classes are also canceled (see my schedule way below for ideas).

My suggestion for working from home parents that want to feel they have some sort of schedule.

Use 15 minute intervals. That’s all. My “rule” when my kiddos are little (ages 1-4), is I get you going on activities for 10-15 minutes and then you finish up or play. This doesn’t mean I never play longer but I also have to attend to older kids and other things (work things, house things - life).

Here’s an idea for your work from home and school from home family (keyword idea- you’ll figure out what works).

  • Breakfast & review sight words/math facts

  • Kids play and you work

  • Snack break for everyone; writing / alphabet practice for littles or set up writing lesson/assignment for big (can include research time)

  • Kids play (iPad, computer break, Legos, etc); you work

  • Science experiment (or nature walk); science experiment can be something you do together or watch online or read in a book

  • Lunch (audiobook or read aloud while eating)

  • Set up a craft for kids while you work (LEGO stamping, painting outside, recyclable materials to build, wax sticks, play-doh, Art Hub, Bob Ross online)

  • Kids play/watch a movie/ go outside and you work

  • Family snack break and math review (play a game, roll dice and add/subtract/multiply, worksheets or workbook, etc)

We are talking 15 minute increments to get your kiddos working and you stepping away. Is it perfect? Nope.

Will it take a little practice? Yep.

Could your kids make a mess? Yep.

Will they learn to be bored, creative, and independent? Yep. Eventually.

Simplify it and do what works for your family!

Another quick idea is just having some ideas displayed or things you want to go to quickly up on a walk or board. I do this with large Post-It’s. It is an easy go to and keeps me focused for the week.

Because I homeschool full time, I do write more in-depth plans but you do NOT need to worry about that right now.


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