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If you do not see a time slot available that works for you, fill out the contact form below and we will get you scheduled.

What does West Virginia law say about proof of progress?

West Virginia Code § 18-8-1(c)(2)(C) Annually, the person or persons providing home instruction shall obtain an academic assessment of the child for the previous school year in one of the following ways… (iii) A portfolio of samples of the child's work is reviewed by a certified teacher who determines whether the child’s academic progress for the year is in accordance with the child's abilities. The teacher shall provide a written narrative about the child’s progress in the areas of reading, language, mathematics, science and social studies and shall note any areas which, in the professional opinion of the reviewer, show need for improvement or remediation. If the narrative indicates that the child’s academic progress for the year is in accordance with the child’s abilities, the child is considered to have made acceptable progress. 

What can I expect during the meeting?

I will walk through the samples with you and your child. I will ask open-ended questions and I always take notes. It is expected you, the parent, will be present during the entire evaluation. I do my best to keep it lighthearted and natural. The intent is to share in the growth and progress your child has made, not to scrutinize or criticize. If I feel there is an issue with the samples presented I will ask the parent to speak with me without the child present. We set goals together for the upcoming year toward the end of the meeting and we always celebrate the success of the child. 

What if I didn't really "do" school this year?

 I love evaluating all 

children and love to encourage 

parents in their homeschool journey! This is a true passion of 



Having expressed that, I put my teaching license

on the line and strive to ensure my

services remain trustworthy

and in high regard with both county 

officials and clients. I am well respected in counties all around the state of Virginia and beyond.


I ask that you please remain

honest and authentic during our

meeting. If you are worried about proving progress, I am happy to speak with

you prior to a meeting.

Who should use evaluations as proof of progress?

West Virginia Code § 18-8-1(c)(2)(E) The parent or legal guardian shall submit to the county superintendent the results of the academic assessment of the child at grade levels three, five, eight and eleven, as applicable, by June 30 of the year in which the assessment was administered.

Evaluations or testing should be completed each year and kept on file for three years.

Evaluations are an excellent alternative to standardized testing, as they allow for a more natural and personal approach. Evaluations are a terrific choice for children with anxiety, special needs, young children, children who do not generally perform well on tests, or families who want to take a more authentic approach toward showing proof of progress.

What happens after the meeting?

You will receive a PDF signed letter to submit to your district as proof of progress. It includes my contact information for the district.

Please note, all letters are copywrite protected. Altering letters in anyway is falsifying information and misuse of my identity. 

Is it stressful?

No! It is a relaxed setting. I truly focus on the accomplishments of each child. I love to see the fun art projects children are so proud of and hear about their sports and activities.


It is a time of celebration for parents too! You have worked just as hard this year, so let's celebrate together!

If you have questions about curriculum or planning for following school year, we can address those too (time permitting). 

How long does an evaluation take?

Evaluation time slots are for 30 minutes per child. They take place in person or over Zoom. If you feel your family needs additional time, please reach out. 

How do I show my child's proof of progress?

Families may come equipped with:

  • work samples

  • projects (pictures or videos or projects, presentations, experiments also acceptable)

  • tests and quizzes

  • essays

  • workbooks

  • evidence of an online course/program

  • curriculum list

  • field trips

  • classes, clubs, and co-op experiences 

  • pictures or videos

  • Google or Dropbox folder with items scanned/uploaded

  • Google Slideshow -showcasing work

Please remember you are showing proof of progress. Work samples which show beginning, middle and end are best. Please note there will be a primary focus on math and language arts. Other content areas should be included but to a lesser extent.

What is the cost?

West Virginia evaluations involve a form, which is to be filled out and kept on file if it is not your year to turn in. 

The cost of an evaluation is $60 per child for virtual and $75 per child in person. 

If you do not see a time slot available that works for you, fill out the contact form below and we will get you scheduled.

Have a question? Contact Jenna

Thanks for submitting!

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